City Council Meeting

8/19/2024 City Council Meeting

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approve 8/19/2024 Agenda:8-19-2024 Regular Meeting Agenda
  3. Public Forum: Public Forum sheet
  4. 8/5/2024 Minutes: Regular City Council Minutes-08-05-2024
  5. Announcements:
    1. Know your responsibilities as a resident and homeowner e.g. tree trimming, property line boundaries, mowing, property maintenance, nuisance mitigation, etc.
  6. Presentation for South O’Brien CAPS Program by Denise Phillips.
  7. Presentation of FY2023 Annual Examination from Williams and Company by Justin Jacobsma. DRAFT for Annual Examination Report
  8. Presentation by Prairie View Cemetery Board.
  9. Financials:
    1. Approve payment of claims and pre-authorized claims
    2. Receive July Financials:
      1. Expense Report: Expense Reports July 2024
      2. Revenue Report: Revenue Report July 2024
      3. Outstanding Transactions: Outstanding Transactions July 2024
      4. Cash Report: Cash Report 2024
    3. Receive and Approve July Treasurer’s Report: Marueen – City of Paullina July Statement (1)Treasurer Report July 2024
  10. Resolution to approve Brian Feltman as Airport Manager 2024-nn AIRPORT MANAGER
  11. Garbage Service Discussion
    1. OC Sanitation OC Sanitation Example Contract
    2. Update on Town and Country Contract Town and Country Contract
    3. Consider approval of contract
  12. Resolution to Approve Change Order for King Construction for the 2023 Sanitary Sewer Lagoon Project. King Construction Change Order
  13. Resolution to Approve Executed Deed to South O’Brien Community School District: Executed Deed School
  14. Update on sludge removal from Sanitary Sewer Lagoon Pond
  15. Old bank building update
  16. Pocket Park Update
  17. Discuss workshop with Primghar Council
  18. Discuss possible ordinance amendment regarding responsibility of tree trimming over streets
  19. Approve CDL Contract for Trent Trudeau. Trudeau CDL Agreement
  20. Accept Resignation from Kaden Hewlett effective September 2nd, 2024. Kaden Resignation Letter
  21. Discuss Financing options for Capital Projects
  22. Discuss and act on Mercy Clinic Lease MERCY ONE LEASE LETTER
  23. Garbage Rates – Second Reading 2024-41 GARBAGE RATES
  24. Sewer Rates – Second Reading 2024-42 SEWER RATES
  25. Electric Rates – Second Reading 2024-43 ELECTRIC RATES
  26. Water Rates – Second Reading 2024-44 WATER RATES
  27. Reports
    1. Superintendent of Utilities and City Clerk
    2. Mayor and City Council Comments
    3. Committee Reports
    4. Departments-Police/Fire/Ambulance/Library/Airport
  28. Adjourn
  29. Reminders: Next regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 at 5:30pm. Monday September 2nd is Labor Day and the City Office will be closed.