9/3/2024 City Council Meeting
1. Call to order – Roll Call – Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of agenda: 9-3-2024 Regular Meeting Agenda
3. Public Forum – for items on and off the agenda: PUBLIC FORUM INFO
4. Approve minutes from 8/19 City Council Meeting: Regular City Council Minutes-08-19-2024
5. City Announcements:
a. Fire Department will be holding a training session at the old bank building on September 23, 2024.
6. Financials
a. Approve payment of claims and pre-authorized claims: CLAIMS
7. Presentation by The Community Agency
8. 317 S Maple City Property
a. Receive bid
b. Council Questions/input
9. Mercy Clinic Lease:
a. Discuss request for early termination of lease. MERCY LEASE
b. Approve termination of lease.
10. Discuss City Payment for Ambulance Driving Classes and EMT Classes
11. Approve South South O’Brien CAPS Program to use Laue room for the first semester of school: CAPS SCHEDULE
12. Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative
a. Resolution to set public hearing on proposal for an assignment of easement to Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative: NIPCO EASEMENT
13. Resolution to close roads for Homecoming Parade: HOMECOMING ROAD CLOSURES
14. Approve seeking of bids to demolish structure at 430 S Main St
15. King Construction
a. Resolution to approve King Construction Change Order for Blower Installation: KING CHANGE ORDER ; PAYMENT APPLICATION AND CHANGE ORDER
16. Waste Disposal Contract
a. Discuss one-year contract: TOWN AND COUNTRY CONTRACT
b. Resolution to approve Town and Country contract
17. Garbage Rates
a. Approve second reading for garbage rate ordinance amendment
Garbage Resolution: 2024-41 GARBAGE RATES-1
18. Sewer Rates
a. Approve third reading for sewer rate ordinance amendment
Sewer Resolution: 2024-42 SEWER RATES
19. Electric Rates
a. Approve third reading for electric rate ordinance amendment
Electric Resolution: 2024-43 ELECTRIC RATES
20. Water Rates
a. Approve third reading for water rate ordinance amendment
Water Resolution: 2024-44 WATER RATES
21. Reports
a. Superintendent of Utilities and City Clerk Reports
b. Mayor and City Council Comments
c. Committee Reports
d. Departments – Police/Fire/Ambulance/Library/Airport
22. Adjourn
Reminders: Next regular meeting: Monday, September 16, 2024, at 5:30pm