Leadership and Staff
The City of Paullina, Iowa is chartered as a Mayor-Council form of government. Paullina’s City Council is elected on a non-partisan basis. The City Council is composed of a Mayor and five other council members, all of whom are elected. The Mayor serves a two-year term while the Council members serve a four-year term.
The City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 5:30pm, unless holidays or other compelling reasons call for an adjustment. Special meetings and workshops may be added to the calendar. Agendas and meeting information are distributed on the Friday before the scheduled meeting. Council meetings are held at City Hall (127 S Main), inside the Council Chambers of the Paullina Community Building.
The Mayor presides at all Council meetings; however, the position casts no votes. The Mayor appoints all City officers subject to Council approval and appoints members to various boards and commissions.
Tentative agendas are always posted at the Paullina Post Office’s bulletin board and at City Hall’s front utility drop box window at a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Agendas, minutes and live video recordings of meetings are also posted here. You may also contact City Hall or check the City of Paullina’s Facebook page. The City’s official newspaper for legal publications is the N’West Iowa REVIEW (South O’Brien Sun).
Meetings are always open to the public. Per Iowa’s “Sunshine” Laws, the public may also address the Council during the Open Comment agenda item of every meeting. Each person is limited to 5 minutes. Keep in mind that Council cannot act or comment on items at this time.
Council members are also appointed to several topic-specific committees as noted.
If you have an item you wish to bring before the City Council, please contact City Hall at 712-949-3428 or by email at paullinaclerk1@tcaexpress.net.

Marlin Sjaarda

Carol Honkomp
Committees: Nuisance; Employee; Library

Jean Unrau
Committees: Public Safety; Employee; Airport

Nichole Jacobs
Committees: Nuisance; Parks & Property; Finance & Economic Development

Dennis Werkmeister
Committees: Public Safety; Finance & Economic Development; Utilities & Streets; Airport

Steve Heeren
Committees: Parks & Property; Utilities & Streets; Library

Michelle Wilson

Alana Peavey

Kelly Top
Open: Power Lineman Position

Josh Biery
Trent Trudeau

Tisha Halverson
Klay, Veldhuizen, Bindner, DeJong & Halverson, PLC
111 S Main (PO Box 617) Paullina, IA 51046

Brian Feltman
Paullina Municipal Airport: (FAA: 1Y9)
1 mile east of Paullina

Matt Dengler
Paullina Municipal Library:
113 S Mickley St, PO Box 60,
Paullina, IA 51046
Phone: 712-949-3941

Nathan Bremer

Ryan Harper

Laurie Struve - Amber Ebel

Anita Frerk

Heath Reichle

Randy Riedemann
Come work for the City of Paullina!
We’re hiring for the following open position(s):
Job Application link: Job Application
Police Officer Application Link: POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION
Stop by City Hall at 127 S Main St or call 712-949-3428 to ask for more info & how to apply.