7/29/2024 City Council Workshop Agenda
Workshop Agenda: 7-29-2024 Workshop Agenda
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But we are proud to say that Paullina Clerk contributed 113 entries already.
Workshop Agenda: 7-29-2024 Workshop Agenda
Minutes: 07-15-2024 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Claims: 7-15-24 CLAIMS REPORT
Agenda: 7-15-2024 Regular Meeting Agenda rev1
(From O’Brien County Emergency Management Agency – Facebook Post on July 5th, 2024) O’Brien County has been approved by FEMA for Individual Assistance! Thank you for submitting your damage data […]
Minutes: Regular City Council Minutes 7-1-2024 rev 1 Claims: 7-1-2024 CLAIMS REPORT
Agenda: 7-1-2024 Regular Meeting Agenda
Paullina residents……the city crew is doing as much as they can to address the rising waters! We ask that you please conserve water as to not put any more strain […]
Minutes: Regular City Council Minutes-06-17-2024 rev1 Claims: CLAIMS REPORT 06-17-2024
Agenda: 6-17-2024 Regular Meeting Agenda
Superintendent of Utilities:
Kelly Top
City Clerk:
Michelle Wilson
Deputy Clerk:
Alex Griggs
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
Office Location:
127 S. Main St. / P.O. Box 239
Paullina, IA 51046
Phone number: